Alan Turing:

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Alan Turing

Who was he?

Alan turing was a mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist. He formed basic computer concepts such as Turing Completeness, the Turing test and thr Turing Computer. He is known for working in Bletchley Park where he helped decode Enigma Codes. He was also homosexual.

What did he make?

Within Weeks of arriving in Bletchley Park, Turing Designed the Bombe which could break Enigma Codes more efficiently than the previous Polish bomba kryptologiczna from which the name was based. It worked by taking the initial code and brute forcing all settings until it found a contradiction in which it was ruled out. The first Bombe was installed on 18 march 1940. By the end of the war, over 200 were in operation.

Wikipedia article on Alan Turing