Charles Babbage: Master of Problem Solving

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Charles Babbage

Who was he?

Charles Babbage was an 1800s polymath, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of the programmable computer. He is often considered the father of the modern computer.

the Difference Engine No.2

What did he make?

In 1822, Babbage began the development of the Difference Engine to compute hard equations automatically which would otherwise be calculated with pen and paper, which was prone to errors. He asked Joseph Clement to see over the construction of the engine but in 1831, he and Babbage fell out over costs. Some of the prototype parts remain in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford and the finished portion resides in the Science Museum in London. He also had plans for the "Difference Engine No. 2" which was built from 1989 to 1991 and is also presented in Science Museum, London. It performed its first calculation at the Science Museum, London, returning results to 31 digits.

Wikipedia article on Charles Babbage